
Best practices: 25-50% saving

Time It saves a lot of time when making an action plan. By using templates and import facilities from Excel, you can rely on better evaluation and verification. But also on better monitoring and communication. By re-planning faster you have 35% less risk of roll back in the execution.

Count your profit

If a medium-sized organisation – with monthly implementations, upgrades and other structural changes – opts for Time IT, that saves at least one fte per year.
Even more figures: say you make one plan per month, with 100 activities, 10 groups and 10 employees. Creating such a plan takes some 40 hours divided over several persons. If they cost € 100 per hour on average, the plan costs € 4,000. With Time IT you save 70% guaranteed. In this case € 1,000 – € 2,000 per plan.
Say you make a similar plan each month, you will save € 24,0600 per year. Not to mention savings during the implementation. The actual performance of Time IT differs by organisation. It also depends on the time previously needed for making and monitoring an action plan.

Prepared for calamities

Compiling a calamity scenario in the conventional way often is time-consuming. That’s why it often remains a resolution. And if there are problems with the start-up the costs can quickly rise. With Time IT you make an efficient calamity scenario. You will be optimally prepared, to stop you from incurring high costs.

  • 25-50% time savings
  • 50% fewer project costs
  • saves on personnel costs: minimum 1 fte

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